Tuesday 25 October 2011


I then worked with a range of colours and ideas still using Gary Hume as my insperation, i did some work where i used different medias to see what effects i would have also by adding meidums to the top like P.V.A glue and cellotape.


Also i looked at Gary Humes work that was really abstact and it inspired me to create my own using his ideas.....

Painting Working

I have been inspired by Gary Hume and i have been looking how he use positive and negative. He is inspired by nature so i looked at working with leaves and animals..
Positive and negative ideas

I was inspired to create a oil painting of birds.. this is the out come and some ideas i had before hand.

Monday 24 October 2011

Ellen Gallagher/ Printmaking

I really enjoyed looking at Gallaghers work.. It really inspired me as it was like some work i had all ready done but id like to recreate some work using her ideas. It fits in well with my printing making journey work as i looked at different hair styles and how they change which then change the person, which she has done but having photos of people and chaging there hair styles and making them all different.


Wednesday 12 October 2011

Cindy Sherman.. My take

I decided to do a retake of cindy shermans idea of having the same photo but changing little things like makeup, hair and clothes which totally change looks of a person. I did this using myself. As i think i change the way i look very easily thought having new hair cuts or having different emount of makeup on..

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Jenny Saville

I really like her work i think she is draws larger women or women that have a penis. I Like the way she express herself in her art. You feel as if you are exploring genders with her. Id like to use this expession in my work to maybe recreate the idea of big is beautiful. Or maybe the change people make in there body from thin to fat or fat to thin.

Information i found on her...

Saville’s lifelong fascination with the workings of the human body began to affect her artwork. Finding herself immersed in a different culture, Saville “was interested in the malls, where you saw lots of big women. Big white flesh in shorts and T-shirts. It was good to see because they had the physicality that I was interested in.” It was in this environment that Saville began to read the feminist literature that would later play an important role in paintings such as Propped. With these texts and other artists such as Cindy Sherman (a contemporary conceptual photographer) as an influence, Saville embarked on creating a series of works that would later make up her degree show in Glasgow.
Jenny Saville: With the transvestite I was searching for a body that was between genders. I had explored that idea a little in Matrix. The idea of floating gender that is not fixed. The transvestite I worked with has a natural penis and false silicone breasts. Thirty or forty years ago this body couldn’t have existed and I was looking for a kind of contemporary architecture of the body. I wanted to paint a visual passage through gender – a sort of gender landscape. To scale from the penis, across a stomach to the breasts, and finally the head. I tried to make the lips and eyes be very seductive and use directional mark-making to move your eye around the flesh.

Tajfel's theory

Summary of the main concepts discussed
in Henri Tajfel's theory of social identity